Wednesday 17 March 2010

The welfare state

There are some differences and simmilar welfare between Britain and China.

Generally, Chinese welfare do not look after all the citizen , they only protect the people who pay the charges when the people are working. However, the British welfare protect all the citizen in the country.
In UK, it has a special department called Department of Work and Pensions agencies. This department help people when they are old which got 65 years old or lost their jobs, but people still need to pay the taxation when they are working. Morover, NHS also plays an important part to take care of people's healthy.
However, in China, people are also have the welfare, but there are some differences. For example, people still need to go to the hospital when they are ill while Btitish people have a private doctor. In addition, people can retire at 55-60 years old meanwhile they can got the retire fees from the goverment every month.
Accordingly, there are some different and similar welfare between two county. Due to the different situation, the goverment have to make the different items to help their citizen. Therefor, with the goverment's endeavor the future is hopefull.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

British media

Here is the programmes on the 5 main British TV channels showing around 7pm.
Channel: BBC-CBBC
Story: Bo, the leader of the spirit warriors, finds herself severely tested when she has to battle with Yama, an evil spirit thief, who has taken over the happy town of Piaji.

Channel: BBC THREE
Program: Doctor Who
Story:Jon Pertwee is the Doctor in the soundtrack of this classic 1970 BBC TV adventure, and Caroline John, who played Liz Shaw in the original episodes, provides linking narration for this exciting seven-part story.

Channel:BBC ONE
Program: the one show
Story: Lots of British brands lossed in recent years,Adrian Chiles and Christine Bleakley try to awake people to realize it.

Channel: BBC two
Program: The widly animal
Story: For 30 years Professor Con Slobodchikoff has been recording their calls in response to predators like coyotes, hawks and badgers. He believes he has discovered a language second only to humans in its complexity.

Wednesday 27 January 2010


This blog is to be compare the different and similar education between China and Britain.

First of all there are two terms which is spring term and autumn term in China, each term has three month to study. However, there are three terms in Britain, and each term has three month to study.

Moreover, another different is how to chooce the school. Most parents will chooce the public school for their children in China, because the public school alway has a better education than private school and be paid a lower tuition fee. However, the Britain is opposite.

Therefore, there are some similar between these two country, the children who reach five or six years old can go to the primary school and people can get jobs when they reach 16 years old.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

British food and drink

Talking about the British food. Honestly, British food is good, but it is humdrum. The breakfast which is sausage, toast, egg and bacon are never change. In my country, the food can be cooded varied. It means people do not eat the same food everyday. They have a lot of choices.

People often went to pubs with theire friends after class or work, they talk and have fun in it.

there are some famous pubs in British:

(1) The Crown – represents the king or queen. Many pubs are named after individual kings and queens.

(2) The Red Lion – the pub name became popular after James the First ordered a red lion to be displayed outside all public places.

(3) Royal Oak – the king Charles the Second escaped the Roundheads (at the time of the English Civil War) by hiding in the branches of an oak tree.

(4) Swan – a heraldic symbol, used in the "coat of arms" of powerful families.

(5) White Hart – the white hart (stag) was the heraldic symbol of the king Richard the Second.

When i know these pubs and i can make more friends in pubs, i really want to go to a pub and tell the staff in the bar"have a drink on me"!

Monday 7 December 2009

Sunday 29 November 2009


Hilary Benn, who is the minister of Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. There are three responsibility of it .
Firstly, it bear overall responsibility for all Departmental issues.
Secondly it represent the UK at the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council and at the EU Environment Council.
Thirdly, it lobby for the UK in other international negotiations on sustainable development and climate change.

Lord Adonis, who is the minister of Secretary of State for Transport.
Their responsibility are make the transport more safe and more econmy in UK.

David Miliband the man of Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.
They promoting the interests of the United Kingdom overseas.

Yvette Cooper is the minister of Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.
They are responsible for the Department for work and pensions.

Bob Ainsworth is the minster of Secretary of State for Defence.
It is the senior United Kingdom government minster in charge of the Ministry of Defence, chairing the Defence Council. It is a Cabinet position.

Alan Johnson is the minster of Home Secretary for the Home Office.
It is responsible for internal affairs within England and Wales, and for immigration and citizenship for the whole of the United Kingdom.

Andy Burnham it the minster of Secretary of State for Health.
It is responsible for the Department of Health.

Alistair Darling is the minster of Chancellor of the Exchequer.
He is responsible for all economic and financial matters.

Gordon Brown it the Prime Minister of UK.
He has accountable for their policies and actions to the Sovereign, to Parliament, to their political party, and ultimately to the electorate.

Monday 23 November 2009

National Assembly for wales

I visited the National Assembly last week, and the trip was very interesting.

Senedd, which is the building for national assembly, it opened for everyone in Wales. It is a sustainable building almost for everything, for example, heating, water flashing, and its meterials.
The national assembly was hold at the underground of the senedd.There are 60 assembly members now and we saw MR Frank who is one of the assembly member on that day, what a pleasure! Mr Morgan, the first minster of Wales, at the meeting the minsters discuss the important things in Wales, such as the econmy, the health, the transpotation and so on.
Though the short trip i learn a lot, saving energe, this word is always kept in people's mind. I think we should consider about what should we do to save the environment